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Smiling Girl

“Everyone looks so much better when they smile.”

 – Jimmy Fallon

Teeth Whitening - Tel Aviv Dentist 

Do you have a big event coming up? Want to have a brighter smile? 


The first step is calling the office at 03-551-2510 to set an appointment with Dr Meytal for a bleaching consultation. 


At this appointment several things will happen: 

We will discuss different bleaching methods, limits and goals.

We will perform a complete dental check-up with photo and radiographs; we must rule out or treat any “cavities” prior to placing bleaching solutions on your teeth. We will mark your starting tooth shade/color.

We will take impressions to fabricate custom bleaching trays which you will use at home following the in office procedure and later to maintain your white smile.

Once all that is complete - You are officially ready to get that brighter smile.


We will then schedule a 90 minutes appointment for your bleaching appointment, we highly recommend getting a dental cleaning prior to this inorder to have your teeth clean and ready so the bleaching solution can get you maximum results. 

At the bleaching appointment we will have you comfortably settled, feel free to bring your favorite music and headphones. Since we use the strongest bleaching solutions available, we will start by placing special protective material on your gums, along with lip retractors and eye protection. Next the solution will be carefully placed on your teeth with a special plasma light that further activates the bleaching progress. We usually perform two cycles of 20 minutes of bleaching with a break in between. At the completion of these cycles we will give you detailed instructions on how to maintain your new gorgeous smile with your custom trays. 

Teeth Whitening Results Dr Meytal.jpeg

When it comes to tooth-whitening, you've got two options: in-office-based teeth bleaching, or at-home care.


Both tooth-whitening options use peroxide-based bleaching agents. At-home systems contain from 3% to 20% peroxide (carbamide or hydrogen peroxides), the process takes 1-2 weeks . In-office systems contain from 15% to 43% peroxide, and can be done as quick as in one appointment.


The bleaching agent acts as a deep cleaner of the external part of the tooth, the enamel. Generally, the longer you keep a stronger solution on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become. However, the higher the percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution, the shorter it should be applied to the teeth. 


There are pros and cons to each option, be sure to talk to your dentist prior to bleaching your teeth. Different teeth react differently to bleaching products.


Bleaching will not whiten crowns/bridges or composite tooth-colored restorations. Teeth Whitening or Bleaching does not damage your teeth when done properly by a professional.

In-Office Tooth Whitening

If you want to see immediate results, this is the ideal option for you. Teeth whitening done by your dentist can get teeth brighter faster. By using much stronger bleaching solutions than at-home kits. Dr Meytal uses a special advanced light system to speed and intensify the whitening process at the office.

Teeth generally get two to five shades brighter. Usually dentists do so in several 30- to 60-minutes in-office visits. At our clinic we use top of the line solutions along with cutting edge light technology to offer a technique in which teeth whitening is done in a single 1-2 hours appointment. Let us give you that brighter smile with whiter teeth, in just one visit while relaxing and listening to your favorite music.

At-Home Options
  • Tooth whitening strips & gels. Applied directly to the teeth with a brush or a thin strip, these peroxide-based tooth bleaching products usually need to be applied once or twice a day for 10 to 14 days. 

  • Tray-based teeth bleaching systems. With this teeth whitening option, a mouth guard-like tray is filled with a peroxide-based bleaching gel or paste and placed over the teeth for one to several hours a day for 1-3 weeks. You can buy tray-based tooth whitening systems over-the-counter or have one custom-fitted by your dentist. 

  • Whitening toothpastes. Because they're mildly abrasive, every toothpaste helps remove stains from teeth. Whitening toothpastes, however, also contain chemicals or polishing agents that help scrub stains from teeth without the aid of a bleaching agent. Tooth-whitening toothpastes are relatively inexpensive and brighten teeth by about one shade. Some whitening toothpastes contain peroxides, but they aren't left on the teeth long enough to have a whitening benefit. These may cause tooth sensitivity.

Man with Striped T-shirt
Aftercare: Keeping Teeth White

Common question patients asked me is  “How long will my teeth stay white?”

I usually answer with “How long will your car stay clean after you wash it?” 

Whether you use an at-home tooth-whitening system, or have your teeth bleached by a dentist, you can help maintain the results by brushing, flossing, and rinsing daily. As well as avoiding color-rich and acidic foods and beverages: Coffee and Black teas, Red wine, Jams, Carbonated beverages (coke and dark-colored sodas), Beets and other strongly-colored foods, Dark Sauces (soy, tomato, curries), Smoking. The more you avoid these, the whiter they will stay.

How long will my whitened teeth stay white?

If you whiten your teeth, the duration of time it lasts will vary.

If you smoke, drink highly staining beverages like red wine or coffee, or consume other acid-containing foods, your bright smile may start to yellow more quickly. In general, whitened teeth can stay white up to a few years. Even though the results can fade, touch-ups can be done to regain original lustre. Dr Meytal will help you maintain that white celebrity smile.

Why You Should Talk to Your Dentist Prior to Teeth Whitening

You must have a dental check-up/screening prior to teeth bleaching. To ensure that you do not have cavities, bleaching solutions can cause them to progress quicker. Gum recession should also be monitored prior to minimize sensitivity. Tooth bleaching can make teeth temporarily sensitive, and should be monitored closely for people who already have sensitive teeth.

To be sure tooth-whitening is worth your time and money, talk to your dentist before.

Regardless of the method. 


Please call 03-551-2510 to book your Whitening consultation.

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